Tuesday 14 November 2017

Welcome to P3/4!

Can you believe it's been 91 days since the start of Term? The children in P3/4 have been keeping a tally in order to celebrate 100 days in school.

Here are some of the other things the children have been up to...


The children have been working hard to use VCOP across their writing tasks.

Term 1 & 2 writing focus has been on Functional Writing.

The children have enjoyed writing their personal news, as well as details of a visit we received from the West Dunbartonshire Foodbank as part of our Harvest Festival topic.

As part of our STEM challenge this year, we've also written instructions on how to build a model boat.

Here's Cody and Abbie relating and demonstrating our particular design.

Currently the children are working on a report based on an animal of their choice.

Primary 4 have been using ICT to research their animal, to choose appropriate sub-headings and are enjoying formatting and editing their reports using Google Docs. They are excited to show off their final product at Parent's Evening.

Numeracy and Maths

Our Term 1 focus was on counting skills, ordering and sequencing numbers and place value, as well as addition and subtraction.

In Term 2 we are continuing our number work through SEAL activities, which the children are enjoying, as well as focusing on multiplication and division.

"Now we are working on our times tables and we are getting good at it. " - Arron, P4

"We have been working on the 2 times table and practising counting in 2's, 3's and 5's." - Ava, P3

For numeracy games you can play at home with your child, visit https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/5-7-years/counting

Big Maths

Big Maths is the maths you use everyday without usually realising it.

In Term 1 we were looking at organising, sorting and reading different kinds of information.

The Primary 4's took a lead on one of our activities, deciding on which categories of data they'd like to compare, and so we took our learning outdoors. We looked at different kinds and colours of leaves, sticks and stones. The children created a giant frequency table in the playground and used Venn Diagrams to sort their collections further.

Term 2 - Length

This term, we've compared and utilised different types of measuring instruments for use in and around the school. The children are learning to choose appropriate instruments for specific tasks, to estimate and to measure to a degree of accuracy in cm and m.

P4 - measuring out the length of different kinds of animals.

P3 - Comparing different lengths.

Problem solving - would a shed 20m x 50m fit in our playground?